What We Do Well
Delivering Parramatta's only independent media outlet covering the news that matters published in print and digital formats every fortnight.
Provide maximum impact for businesses looking to promote their brand to the influential Parramatta LGA and CBD.
Proudly support the community and business through our media partnership with the Parramatta Chamber of Commerce and other organisations.
Expo Virtual Deals
Need help promoting your business?
We can work with you to promote your business to tens of thousands of potential customers in Parramatta LGA and beyond.
Special discounts apply for print and social packages.
Looking for a complete marketing package?
Today's media world is about diversity. The Times will work with you to craft a high-performance media campaign that includes print, online, social, newsletters and billboards. We can also connect you with the best people in branding and design.
FREE online business directory listing for a short time only.
Contact the Parramatta Times.