The bad habits that may be ruining your love life

IF you worry about love passing you by or your relationship has gone down the drain, the answer may
be your own bad habits.

A million songs have been written about lost loves, broken hearts and cheating, but the three minutes of
self-pity never explain why it all happened in the first place.

You see, negative self-talk and low self-esteem are two of the most common challenges people face
when it comes to finding and holding on to love.

Never fear, help is here – renowned hypnotherapist Mark Stephens could be the answer to your ‘tragic’
love life.

He has developed practical techniques to help anyone, single or in a couple, break the bad habits of the
past and attract healthy love into their lives.

By harnessing the power of the subconscious and changing deeply entrenched thought patterns, Mark’s
hypnosis treatments can help:

  1. Heal a broken heart.
  2. Have a healthy, baggage-free relationship.
  3. Attract the perfect partner.
Heal your own broken heart:

“Having your heart broken can trigger a range of negative emotions, sometimes years later, that affect
every part of your day-to-day life, including feelings of worthlessness, despair, self-blame, loneliness,
insomnia, lack of appetite and binge eating,” Mark said.

“By accessing your subconscious, you can process your heartbreak, break those negative thoughts and
behaviors and move on to live your best life.”

Mark’s top five tips for healing a broken heart are:
  1. Crying: Do not underestimate the power of crying – it can be a powerful tool to help you process and
    move on from pain.
  2. Gratitude: Practicing gratitude helps you appreciate what you have rather than focusing on what you
    don’t have.
  3. Self-love: Create positive experiences for yourself by changing the story running through your mind.
    Tell yourself – ‘I am enough, I am worthy and I am loveable’.
  4. Acceptance: Accepting the situation will help you let go of the pain attached to it.
  5. Mindfulness: After a breakup, many people will continually replay events over and again in their
    minds. Practicing mindfulness can help break this pattern, bringing your attention back to where you are
    and what you are doing in the present moment.

Leave your baggage at the door

“Many people will unconsciously bring baggage from their last relationship into their new one, eroding it
before it’s even properly begun. The key is to face the issues from your past, rather than fear them, look
at them clearly and objectively and learn from them,” he said.
Mark’s top five tips for leaving your baggage at the door are:

  1. Stop comparing: Break the habit of comparing your new relationship with your past one.
  2. Clear emotional baggage: Learn to let go of your past so you can create healthy space for your future.
  3. Reset your thought patterns: Replace negative self-talk with positive self-reinforcement.
  4. Invest in the relationship: Do this with acceptance, compassion and mutual support.
  5. Meditate: Learn to think away the stress that causes those everyday conflicts.
Attract the right partner

“The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. Getting that relationship right first
and not relying on others for your happiness is key to attracting the perfect partner”, Mark said.

Mark’s top three tips to attracting the right partner are:
  1. Release the past: Through meditation and self-hypnosis, learn to let go of the negative emotions and
    pain of previous relationships in order to create space for a healthy new one.
  2. Positive self-talk: Be open to attracting a wonderful new partner and know that you deserve it.
  3. Learn from past lessons: Rather than turning away from past relationship pain, look back objectively
    and consider what went wrong. Use these insights to inform your choices about what you want in your
    next relationship and what don’t you want.
Mark has created a meditation and self-hypnosis app titled MindFree with hundreds of sessions to
help users change negative thinking patterns, feel happier and make healthier choices. For more
information on Mark’s hypnosis and meditation sessions visit

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